
Sunday, May 28, 2006

It takes the lotion out of the basket and rubs the lotion on its skin..and it writes letters

Dear S,

Absolutely loved the ads that you ran last month on Kos, MyDD, Talking Points Memo and the like. Guess the Rude Pundit still working a bit too blue for you yet. But the ads were examples of a great strategy and hopefully allow you to leverage the netroots in your primary. I think they can make a real difference in this race you’re in.

Anyway, wanted to follow up with a suggestion for every Democrat everywhere running for anything this cycle. Two..little..words. Ready?

“Had enough?”

Rinse. Lather. Repeat. Roll with it brother. You ask every voter and every blowdried gasbag with a 22 minute cable shoutfest - you feelin’ me Chris Mathews and Tim ‘Little Russ’ Russert. HAD. ENOUGH.

I know, brilliant right? Ah, don’t mention it. Really. Don’t. Besides, it was Newt Gingrich’s idea - he just handed this to you in an interview in the April 3 issue of Time magazine. Imagine, the alleged ‘intellectual’ behind the 1994 Republican Revolution, although, let’s face it the last good Republican idea was the Emancipation Proclamation. Oh, I know he just got it from the title of one of Carville’s books, but that just proves my point, no.

Look, you could go all call-and-response on they asses. To wit:

Had enough of The Message and are you ready for The Truth.

Had enough of fearful, cynical men telling you to be afraid.

Had enough of watching protection becoming a protection racket.

And have you had enough of incompetents implementing bad policies.

Yeay and verily brothers and sisters. Yeay. And. Verily.

That’ll do it for now.

And yeah, I've had enough. Did you really have to ask.


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