
Wednesday, August 10, 2005


Goddam that scotch is good.

Look I'm on vacation this week. The weather's good, daughter's got gym camp 3 days this week. I get to run in the morning. Afternoons at the pool with said offspring soakin' up sun and chlorine. Back home in the evening to fire up the gas grill and throw some marinaded meat on, corn on the cob and yes, fuck you Dr. Atkins, a starch. Life, ain't bad. Lovely wife and daughter, nice home, both cars running ok, for now. Of course it'll be catfood for Christmas when this housing bubble bursts but that's for another day.

Point is, and I do have one, I just can't get that worked up over shit this week.


Except I see this thing on CNN whereby Rummy, I love that fucker, well, you know love him like Dracula loves garlic, or O'Reilly loves Al Franken. Anyway, seems Captain Bligh over there is pointing a bony finger in the direction of the Iranians who, says he, are sending sophisticated weaponry into Iraq because them and the Syrians want chaos in Iraq, while everyone else in the region is totally down with the whole bringing democracy to the Middle East thingee. You believe that shit, yeah, me neither.

First, you didn't see any of this coming bro' . I mean we've been there for over 2 years now. 2 fuckin' years. Some of our marines are on their third pump. (Marine tours are 7 months, Army is usually 13 months, more or less - I'll get Research on that, clean it up and whatnot). Yeah, yeah I know "you go with the military you have not the one you wish for..." yada, yada, yada. Except, except. This wasn't Pearl Harbor, fucktard, we CHOSE the time and the place for this little adventure. No, you didn't see it but the people at State and CIA and your own freekin' uniformed personnel saw it coming, that's why they told you they wanted to go in with no less than 250,000 combat and support personnel. Ah fuck it. Sand over the desert, right.

Oh, right the Iranians, the new best friends of the Shia dominated government in Iraq because well, many of the current Iraqi government ministers spent their exile years, the Saddam years to you and me, in Iran. Hey, their pretty fuckin' friendly with those folks across the, say it with me, the Persian Gulf. Anyway, while our Shia are making nice with the Shia who happen to run Iran, we're losing 30 people a week to this Sunni insurgency. Because, for the Sunni, it just don't look too pretty. They been fuckin' the Shia for about 40 years and payback, as they say, is a beeyotch in Chanel. And the Sunni don't have any oil. The Shia in the south do and the Kurds in the north do but the Sunnis all they got to do is literally pound sand, you know.

And those weapons Capt. Bligh is referring to - shaped charges, you know the ones that are shredding our Strykers and HUMVEES. Shaped charges are doing a number on our overworked and underpaid uniformed personnel over there. They totally destroy the vehicle and everyone in it armor, hillbilly armor, whatever.

No the Iranians don't want chaos in Iraq. They just want us out. And until the shitheads in charge get a fuckin' clue more of our good people, our best people, are going to die while the Iraqis build themselves a nice little Muslim theocracy based on Sharia law.

Iran's got time and, well, money. They're the 2nd largest oil producer in OPEC right behind the Saudis, and with oil at $64 a barrel they got money. Play nice with the Europeans and us, why? They're building a nice little Shia superstate with their Iraqi brothers to balance out every other authoritarian Sunni regime in the region. They'll play nice when oil is at $20 a barrel. You see that happening anytime soon? Yeah, me neither.

Vulgarian out.


  • At 7:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Man, you're totally wrong. Clearly Iraq is in great shape right now. You can tell by the 5 week vacation dubya took. I mean, he's clearing brush for crissakes. No world leader in his right mind would clear brush while people are dying. Obviously, any current reports of deaths and mayhem from Iraq are liberal news plants.

    Those names flashing by on NewsNight every night? Janeane Garofalo's schtupin someone at CNN.

    Plain as the nose.


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